We could say that the twentieth century was about brands using advertising to create a reputation in the market while the 21st century we could say that talks about using social networks to strengthen that reputation created.

Marketing professionals soon realized the potential of social networks as a means to communicate directly with their consumers, improve negative perceptions about the brand and interact with potential consumers. The interesting thing is that social networks are present from multinationals and large brands to SMEs.

In general, companies usually start their adventure in social networks by creating their brand pages and profiles on Facebook and Twitter. Operations centers from which to attract the attention of consumers by generating and sharing resources, information and content. All this without forgetting the potential of the use of videos and sites like YouTube for brands. However, the most important aspect is to establish relationships, talk and listen to consumers or potential customers.

Karthik Srinivasan, a professional in this area, says that the challenge is to maintain the loyalty of consumers in the pages of companies and brands in social networks. From your point of view when a company creates a strategy in social networks it works better to have different modus operandi for different networks or social platforms.

For consumers, thanks to social networks, interaction with brands is reduced to almost a single click away, but in turn these channels can also become a double-edged sword since it is also true that negative opinions, complaints and Claims from consumers about bad experience with a product, service or customer service can decisively affect the reputation of the company itself.

Due to this, it is very necessary to prepare for this type of crisis by establishing processes and guidelines for action and prevention in order to stop its negative effect and that this can become a major problem for the reputation of the brand or company.

For this, increasingly, companies have special solutions and tools designed to monitor and manage the entire flow of information where the brand is present. Through them, companies can obtain data on the behavior of their users and followers that can be really useful when defining a strategy or applying any type of change based on those aspects analyzed that work or do not really work.

Thanks to this type of tools, companies increasingly have confidence in a more secure use of social networks, thereby reducing the different problems or risks that may arise, and having solutions to try to resolve false concepts or conflicts related to the own brand.

At the same time, it is important to add the potential of the human factor beyond the technologies and tools used since the relations between brands and consumers continue to be human relationships. The conversations, the offer of help, the resolution of problems and a greater attention to the consumer are fundamental premises of the new marketing in social networks where the reputation of the companies and brands is at stake.

By ZsuNC

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