Twitter is the most efficient two – way communication platform, from my point of view, as channel customer for its immediacy and responsiveness.

This social network has evolved a lot and its great popularity has caused that a great amount of companies has risen to the train of Twitter. However in many cases, it has remained there: in a company with Twitter account. On the other hand there are other companies that have realized the enormous potential of Twitter, among other things, as channel Customer Service, or what is the same customer.

Why Twitter as a channel for customer serviceIt is important to carry out a monitoring , and know what people are talking about your brand or company on social networks. Imagine that you “listen” in a social network that a user did not like a product or service related to your brand. You can talk to that person directly, through the Twitter channel of your brand, with an explanation or even solution, that is, to get ahead and without this user has been put in direct contact with the brand approach him. This is very positive for the brand since you are creating a trust.

The messages of Twitter may seem a setback for its brevity, however well propel think that what is written and the information is direct and precise.

We all know that social media is based on two-way relationships between people and people. Conversely, “call centers” that offer customer service call are clear examples of people’s withdrawal from companies.

Advantages of having a customer service on Twitter

  • It’s fast and saves time : it is not easy to filter calls to select which has priority and which spend our time at that time to resolve a question or problem. On Twitter you can make a selection and answer first the most urgent or important and at the same time send a message indicating that you put with it and then make inquiries to get back in touch with the customer again.
  • Through a good customer service you can greatly enhance the credibility of your brand . Satisfied customers can speak very well through Twitter of your company’s behavior.
  • Reduces costs compared to call centers.
  • The mobility of Twitter is a great advantage. You can answer a customer from your mobile, therefore anytime and from anywhere.

What to do to provide effective customer service

  • Be immediate : it is clear that a user has contacted a company by Twitter, with a complaint or question expects an immediate response. The company must answer as soon as possible, as the perception about the brand that the user takes is proportionally related to the time it took the brand to respond. Therefore: classify the messages, prioritize the most urgent (due to the seriousness of the situation or that require an immediate response) and try not to let more than a few hours pass until you send a response.
  • Be cautious : think how to answer the message to not lead to misinterpretations and start thanking the customer for their feedbcack. Reply to the negative comments constructively.
  •  Keeping track : once the problem has been solved and after a few days, it is advisable to re-contact the user and ask how it goes. This is highly valued by customers and offers engagement to the company.
  • The customer service channel should not be the same as the promotional channel. You can take as an example the Twitter of Fnac. It has several channels, one of them exclusive customer service.
  • Indicate the time customer , profile Twitter account. For the user it is very important to know the schedule.
  • Private messages continue communication with customers very angry . It will benefit both your brand and the user, that once past the anger and satisfied your request can regret your reaction. However it is advisable that both the complaint or question and the solution or response are visible, since they can help other clients with the same problems.

Any advantage or advice on your part related to customer service on Twitter?

By ZsuNC

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