When you think of the best boss he is had, he wonders, what he or she did to create an inspiring working environment for you? how he or she acts for you to have high performance and high participation all days?
The answers fall into five essential things that every good leader must have to create inspiration in the workplace and serve their employees well.
Big bosses say the work environment business is based on trust and respect. It requires that team members show confidence and respect in every interaction with each other and with customers.
So what is needed to be a BIG boss? It has to do with it in English, GREAT: G rowth (growth), R elationships (relations), E xcellence (excellence, merit), A ccountability (responsibility) and T eamwork (teamwork).
1- Inspiring Growth: Great leaders help employees develop skills necessary. They help employees to try new approaches that can increase the quality and efficiency. Large employers have employees with high standards of performance and delivery. They ensure that employees see the business from the point of view of their customers so that great service is the norm.
2- Inspire good relations: They know that positive relations based on shared values create trust and respect. They understand that without the trust and mutual respect, cooperation in the workplace disappears. Big bosses require citizenship as a minimum for the treatment of peers and customers standard. Create clear “rules” to ensure a fair and friendly treatment worldwide.
3- Inspire gets merits: They set high-performance standards for themselves and for all employees. They know their team and the organization have made promises performance – for themselves and for customers. Hitting or exceed these high standards mean that these promises are kept. However, Big bosses celebrating goal traction and effort as well as achievement of goals every day.
4- Ensure accountability: Class leaders know that the management of the consequences is the way to high-performance teams, aligned values. Create an atmosphere of joint accountability (the team keeps its promises) and individual responsibility (individual keeps his promises). Consequence management means that a constant rapid validation effort aligned and redirection consistent and prompt efforts get misaligned. That is how to achieve effective changes in the behavior of our employees and partners.
5- Encourage teamwork: They understand that teamwork among employees of the cooperative maintains trust and respect, rather than competitive interaction. Great leaders create incentives for not only an individual but aligned contributions also supply equipment is achieved. A mantra of “win as a team” helps create a supportive environment where team members’ work together to provide products and services promised.
By integrating some of these practices in their own teams, you can become a great boss with your employees – while increasing performance, service and profits.