Things are improving in the world of advertising, at least for independent advertising agencies, media and integrated marketing services, according to a survey conducted by ICM, a global network of independent agencies, which has interviewed advertising agencies for more. from 28 countries around the world.
Agencies from 24 of the 28 countries said their business prospects for this year were “better”, while three felt they were “equal” and only one of them expected to be “worse”. The latter was and, in our country, there are some doubts about the insolvency of the Government that could end up in a situation similar to that of Greece, Portugal and Ireland.
The media agencies of twenty countries claim that their clients are increasing their budget with respect to 2010 and fifteen of them foresee that this increase will be 10% or more. Only three agencies confirmed that their clients will reduce budgets and four assure that they will keep the same.
Agencies also note that, thanks to the online trend that is thriving, microsites, direct email marketing, searches and social media will see a strong growth that, in many cases, will exceed two digits. Other disciplines that will see an increase will be public relations, 16 of the 28 countries, 15 in radio and television, 13 in fairs and events and 13 in direct marketing.
Magna Global has also presented a study with forecasts that estimate that, between 2011 and 2016, online video will have an annual growth of 19.6%, the mobile market by 19.4% and pay television by 12.1%. The markets that will grow most will be those of China, Brazil, Argentina, India, Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. On the contrary, the slowest will be France, Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, a reflection of the delicate economic situation of these countries.