Surely by now the month and you will have made the wish list for 2016 and purchased gifts for family and friends, but have you thought her something to your online business?

If you passed you buy this detail, we offer four gift ideas that you can do to your company to start the new year off right.

  1. Give a logo

When you mount a business you have to think very well as be your logo, since this step will succeed in sales multiply your project. The design of your logo will make a first impression in the minds of your prospective clients and will be essential to encourage the purchase decision. Did you ever stop to think if it correctly identifies the products you sell and your target audience? Transmits values of your company? It may be time to redesign again and make it more current and effective to make it more attractive to your customers.

  1. Give a blog

It is time to upgrade and immerse them in the online world, and the best way is by creating a blog for your business. Whether you have an online and physical business, having a blog is a good idea. In it you will get your product in more detail and promote them achieving a broader worldwide. A good blog is not one that simply displays its products but which offers solutions and content that are useful to your readers, so once you have your blog, be very useful to create a good content strategy to attract more customers and get loyalty.

The cost of these projects is from 50 € that can cost you a simple logo, up to 3,000 € in the average price of a mobile application to be discussed below. Do not be scared to make a small investment if you hold the right projects and get your money back will generate benefits in less time than you thought.

  1. Give her an App

You probably already have a traditional website, but the trends are moving increasingly towards mobile search and navigation, and are currently the Apps, the first tool of internet access. Almost any company, regardless of the market in which are, you can benefit from having an App for your business.

This may be the most economical investment project requires, but know that there are multiple options to fund your projects immediately, as is the case of express loans characterized by flexibility , or a little slower but just as safe as traditional bank loans or government subsidies. As we mentioned above, the investment worth as a mobile application gives you the opportunity to interact with customers in real time, highlight your company over the competition and gives useful information about the location of your users, so you’ll and send personalized loyalty offers.

  1. Give a video

One of the most attractive ways to consume information is by visual content , so video is a good way to introduce your new products and services, or simply to publicize your company. The best way to incorporate it into your web is on the homepage of the same, so you’ll be providing added value to your prospect, and making sure to create a good first impression and accelerating the buying decision.

What have gift ideas like these? We are sure that your online business will know to appreciate and get the most out throughout the whole year.

By ZsuNC

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