This is estimated by eMarketer; according to their calculations, users have spent in two years to double the time spent online, dedicated to the internet, mobile app, play or listen to music with your smartphone.
This is a trend that is increasing, it is expected that this year the average time spent on mobile use will increase by 51.9% among consumers in countries like the United States, which means an average of 82 minutes a day, half an hour more than in 2010. A trend that also extends to other regions and countries of the world.
This factor also implies an increase in the time of online connectivity of the users, which is added to the one already dedicated to the computer and other devices, such as television; so the study estimates that in total users stay connected online for about 173 minutes a day, an increase of 3.6%. Added to this is the multichannel trend of users, which allows them to consult several devices simultaneously, performing several tasks at once; whether consuming various types of content, downloading applications and even interacting on social networks commenting on that content. In this way, exposure to online media is still superior.
However, this time of exposure of users to the medium is not at all matched with the advertising investment in it, as it does with traditional media. Many companies and advertisers still do not bet firmly by the online media, but make small inroads. As shown, we can indicate that the investment rate in mobile advertising in this year is 1.6%, while the percentage of exposure to the medium is 11.7%. The percentage of investment in television is 38.9%, corresponding to a 39.8% of time invested in the same by the users.
However, this trend is rapidly changing. Advertising and online marketing gain whole compared to other traditional media, and its volume of business and investment continues to increase year after year by leaps and bounds. In fact, according to data from IAB, for the first time the advertising investment in digital media has surpassed that of print media, and its next great challenge is to snatch the place that a medium such as television plays.
The eMarketer study also augurs a rapid growth of mobile advertising, and in a few years, expects that in 2016 the investment will reach 12 trillion dollars, a figure that is far from the current 2 trillion and a half. According to the consultant, there are still important barriers that both companies and the media have to overcome in order to achieve this balance between advertising investment and exposure time by users.
Social media has certainly played a significant role in the growth of mobile technology and the new habits of users and consumers, who now spend much more time interacting through their mobile devices anytime and wherever they are. Mobility is the future of communication and also of electronic commerce. Something about what Óscar Fernández, General Director of MMA points out, pointing out that “companies must be aware that the future of shopping is mobile and therefore the importance of this medium is increasing in the marketing strategy and advertising of all types of businesses and advertisers.
In principle, the new Celtra Mobile Rich Media Monitor already shows a greater response from customers, namely a 12.8% engagement, which translates into an increase in the return on investment.