If you know the world of marketing, work on it or just like it, it will be rare that the term of marketing of content does not sound. This label coined, not so long ago, in particular is as recent as digital marketing. It is widely used by many companies today, because it generates good results for their business interests. This is a “new label”, a type of marketing for those who believe that just like the observer who believes in seeing a new star has to put a name, because marketing is something similar, any trend if not accompanied by The corresponding label, does not seem to have the slightest interest.
This comment on the use of labeling for any action that is developed at the business level, allow me to open a small parenthesis to comment on something, has triggered the existing typology of marketing, to the point that sometimes gives me the Feeling that I am absolutely out of phase in this field, as I am unable to recognize the terms they use.
In honor of the truth if I can assure you that in recent years, innovating, what is said to innovate in marketing as a concept and philosophy has evolved little, so that only has left site and have focused the interest to denominate of different form Things and actions that already existed and call different practices / actions that could be collected in the catalog of traditional operational marketing, but hey, you have to sell books, update blogs and other media, so you do a job of makeup That not in real content in many occasions, after all, we are talking about marketing, although in this sense the most harmful side to the discipline itself.
It is not enough reason why change the channel, in this case internet, we believe that has created an alternative world that has nothing to do with what we already know, and that therefore, it is necessary to create a different marketing in its conception, This is not so, in digital marketing or online, is adapting more traditional marketing tools throughout life, only to a medium with certain differentiating characteristics, Internet. A terminology is used for this medium, in many cases Anglo-Saxon, but traditional background and conception. Well this phenomenon of calling different things already known, is given by two fundamental causes, or the interest to renew the terminology is to profit personally and profit, trying to “sell” content that seems novel,
Well closed the parenthesis, in which I cast my “opinion opinion” if I would like to comment on certain things that I find interesting about content marketing. We could define it as the contribution by the brand of information (hence contained) of interest to the customer on sensitive issues for this. It is true that it is an attitude and behavior on the part of the company, is to contribute content of interest, which may be important in order to commercially profitable our brand. We might ask, why opt for content marketing?
Highlighting some reasons that may justify this decision
- The client is given usable knowledge (this would be convenient) on topics of interest to him
- This knowledge can help us position ourselves better in the client’s mind
- It can have a called effect on our brand
- We can generate an image of I understand / experts in the services provided by our products / services
- These contents reduce the distrust with respect to our brand
- Help in the decision to purchase our products
- They make us referents for the client, therefore reliable
- It prints an image of impartiality that helps in the vision of the client in its “problem”
- If we have products with clear competitive advantages, knowledge is vital to highlight them
- A well-informed customer who has at his disposal quality content is a much more easily loyal customer
Obviously, as commented in a tweet, marketing is perfect as a concept and philosophy for its purposes, we make it ineffective that we use it, in such a way, that in the marketing of content, mistakes are made that cause much more negative effects for The brand, that if no campaign of this type of marketing was developed.
The most important mistakes made when working in content marketing
- That the content is not related to the need of the clients
- That the content is not adapted to the conditions and characteristics of the clients
- That the content is not new
- That the content does not have the level of quality for the target to which we go
- That the content is a promotional information of our brand
- That the format, layout, location, language, relevance or presence of the content is inappropriate, or what is the same that does not foment the interest of the client to consume it
- That the content does not fit the truth, let the content be the consequence of the invention of someone
- Whether the content is fraudulently or illegally used
- That the content does not help in the process of buying or brand image facing the client
- That does not favor the customer’s curiosity
- That is not understandable
- That all the contents be standardized
- Do not update the contents
- Do not favor customer brand interaction
All of these errors can cause harmful effects for the brand, as we commented, so I ask caution (not fear) when using this tool, just like any other that uses and this through its brand. What does seem clear, is that if you take content marketing as a simple contribution of information, without further ado, you are making a mistake with serious consequences, which will have a reflection on the positioning of your brand. For most of the stated errors, I think they are avoidable with a knowledge (the greater, less errors) of the client, with a professional attitude and behavior before the tool and with exquisite respect and control over the sources of content that are used. The key players of success in this type of marketing are the customer,
Content marketing is an interesting alternative, which may be convenient for our commercial objectives, which must be worked in a professional manner and always from the premise of possessing a high level of knowledge of the customer, about their characteristics, their needs, their desires , Its possibilities, its longings (how many times have you heard this in marketing, right?) Lamenting it a lot for those who present themselves as “gurus” of this discipline, it is only that, then we can “dress” We want, but it is to satisfy needs and desires, in any way, nothing more and nothing less), so the intention of this type of marketing is good, now achieve that intention, in positive results for your brand.