The followers of a brand are clear that no matter how fans they are, they will not accept everything that it sends them; they will only accept information that is relevant to their interests. To favor a positive experience, Facebook gives its users the possibility of filtering the publications that appear on their wall, giving them various options, which they do not hesitate to use. Users can: Hide a specific publication of your Facebook wall, making it not appear on your Time Line, although the rest of publications of the brand.

Hide any updates published by the trademark; this way you will not receive the news of that company again.
Stop being a fan, clicking “I do not like”, which means that the link between the brand and its follower will be finished.

Send a spam report, whereby the user informs Facebook that the information of that fanpage is spam.

According to figures from PageLever, the Social Media analytics tool specializing in Facebook, 1 in 50 posts generates a negative response. The worst thing that can happen to a company in Social Media is that its users reject it, both as a brand, as if their content is of no interest to them. This is synonymous with their strategy is baseless, that the company is not developing a correct action in the online medium, is not able to connect with its audience.

This situation is the result of an inappropriate use of social networks, where brands are exclusively concerned about collecting fans, regardless of the degree of participation of the fans. It may be the case that a page has thousands of followers, but that most of these have hidden the publications of your company, what good is it, then? Fans will remain loyal, as long as the content meets their expectations; To do this:

Focus your strategy on attracting active users in social networks, bet on quality vs. quantity. Identify your target audience, those users who really appreciate the brand, who expect to have a positive experience at their side, who are interested in their products, and will appreciate its content, if it is of quality.

Shoemaker to your shoes. Develop a content strategy on the subject that dominates, about which he is an expert. His fans follow him for who he is, because they have an affinity for his company and his industry; therefore, offer high value content related to your subject matter. To get a greater degree of engagement, ask your followers about their preferences, for example with periodic surveys. This way you can check the level of activity of your fans and find out what are the themes that appeal to you.

Measure the frequency of publications; do not saturate your followers. It is one thing to keep your social profile alive and another to give you is to constantly update it. This action involves a greater effort to create relevant content, decreases the life of each publication and can make its users have their mark and, at best, hide their publications.

Creativity to power, is the basic ingredient to get information of high value; always stay on the crest of the wave, offer the most relevant information, with great doses of originality.

How are your fans, interact with your brand, or just follow you?

By ZsuNC

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