Optimization in Social Media has become as much or more important than SEO. According to the latest Social Media Indistry Report, 83% of companies already show their concern to develop an adequate online presence. And it is not for less, since it is in this environment where the customers are. Facebook already has one billion registered users, who spend about 7 hours per month interacting with their contacts and looking for information about products. 

Every minute, Pinterest records more than a thousand visits, more than 2000 check ins on Foursquare, or send 175 thousand tweets. It is a medium where the content has a high potential to be disseminated, bearing the name of the brand. For this reason, companies want to participate in the game: 

The first step is to define the target audience. Based on this, you can determine in which social networks to focus your strategy. Both Facebook and Twitter reach a general public, but both are very different from each other. Twitter allows immediacy in communication, as well as high segmentation of the message; Facebook for its part responds very well to promotional actions and content of a ludic character. If it is a trade aimed especially at the female audience, or with a high aesthetic component, such as fashion, design or decoration; Pinterest is the ideal setting to showcase your products, taking advantage of its high visual component. For its part, LinkedIn is the perfect medium for B2B companies, allows direct contact with professionals, and with companies that interest you, Arriving directly to the head of the department you are looking for. 

Each of the channels has its own peculiarities and language, which we have to master, so that we can work properly in the middle. Therefore, it studies well each social platform, observes how the users act, what format or characteristics the content they share, or what tools they use. Even if you are a novice, do not look like it, make a value store and hide your fears and insecurities. Above all, closely monitor the activity, especially at the beginning, and be close and accessible to your audience. 

Not the whole mountain is oregano. Social networks are not a garden in spring, full of flowers and brimming with life and joy. There are also weeds and bad weather can make the flowers dry. It is necessary to take care of our community with care, to remain attentive to their requests and calls for attention, and always offer an answer, as soon as possible. In the event that a thistle borriquero you resist, redouble the efforts to isolate it from the rest of your plants and let it drown in its own poison. 

Nobody said that being on social networks was easy, it is a practically new medium, where brands still have much to learn. The most important thing is to observe, know how to listen and stay alert to all the activity that is generated around the brand, the sector and the audience. It is clear, to coexist in this type of media and to know how to be, are and will be key doubts of our presence in social networks. And always offer an answer, as soon as possible. In the event that a thistle borriquero you resist, redouble the efforts to isolate it from the rest of your plants and let it drown in its own poison. Nobody said that being on social networks was easy, it is a practically new medium, where brands still have much to learn. The most important thing is to observe, to know how to listen and to be attentive to all the activity that is generated around the brand, the sector and the audience.

By ZsuNC

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