Any brand that values itself should be in social networks, is an indisputable fact today. Twitter, more than a social network, is the medium of instantaneous, the place where the conversation flows continuously among users, which can give the brand unprecedented visibility. Here are some guidelines that will help you make Twitter a great ally of your brand:

How to make Twitter the best ally and friend of our brandMonitor, monitor and monitor. You have to know at all times what is being talked about your brand, your company or your product. You can not miss the thread of the conversation. It is not a question of interrupting it, appearing suddenly when no one has called you, but you know what is said about you, what terms your brand is used, or what attributes it relates to. This information will help you design a more effective strategy.

Control the keywords that identify you. So you know the market trends, you can know if you are following an appropriate strategy, or where to reorient it to optimize its results.

Watch the competition. It is always important to closely control the enemy, know his tactics and learn from him, both his successes and his mistakes. On the one hand, you can avoid suffering these mistakes in your own meats and, on the other hand, you will know which techniques are the most welcome among users.

Measure the results. The analytical is essential to evaluate the good performance of any action you perform. It evaluates the number of interactions with the brand, the type of comments received, the new followers obtained and any other relevant data. Based on the data obtained, draw conclusions that allow you to optimize your strategy.

Meet the so-called influencers as well as relevant users of the twittosphere that may be related to the brand or sector. This medium is characterized by its ease of access to any of its members. Here it is possible to engage in conversation with authentic referents from both the sector and from Social Media in general. Take this opportunity to get closer to those tweens you consider relevant to your brand. If you offer them quality content, that can get their attention, you will have the possibility of referencing, that works in favor of your brand, achieving with it great notoriety for it. It’s not a simple task, but no one said that succeeding in social networking was easy.

Use the appropriate lexicon.In each country their own language is spoken; well, Twitter also has its own language, adapted to its nature, characterized mainly by those 140 characters maximum that your message has to occupy. For this reason he has developed a series of abbreviations and expressions of his own that you will have to master to “speak with propriety” and to move like a fish in the water.

Optimize your campaign. Turn to statistical data to know when is the best time to launch your message, which days of the week you achieve a greater reach, at what time is better to make an appearance. This way you can optimize resources, concentrating your efforts with greater guarantee of success.

Bring value with your message. You have to differentiate yourself from the competition, offer something different. Enrich your Time Line with quality content, really innovative, that is interesting for your users, so that they follow you with attention, and you can become a referent for them.

Manage your account in a professional way, using specialized tools for this. It has a qualified professional, who has specialized training in the subject, who knows the company in depth and your strategy to follow in social networks. If you give amateur image, or the messages that emits contradict each other you will lose credibility before the gallery, they will never take you seriously.

Above all, show your human side, do not be a robot, nor do you look like it. Social Media has been created to foster human relationships; nobody likes to talk like a machine. Consider achievable goals, tailored to your company, and adopt a strategy where the human factor has a significant weight.

How do you cultivate the friendship between Twitter and your brand? What other keys do you consider essential to gain the confidence of the little blue bird?

By ZsuNC

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