Sales through mobile devices will become one of the key e – commerce in the near future and basic elements. Companies are adapting their online stores to work perfectly in these terminals and brands are driving this sales channel as much as they can because they know that there will be the future. The truth is that the mobile arouses much interest and has become a crucial purchasing decision of some consumer item. The millennials, for example, sue marks a very good mobile experience and make purchasing decisions based on the presence of brands in these devices.

No one doubts the importance that the younger market gives these terminals, but what about consumers in general? Is everyone so Dumps with the mobile world as the Millennial Generation? The truth is that however important the mobile and very decisive for some consumers resulting in the overall picture these terminals do not come off so lightly when it comes to trade.

So much so that one could say that one of every two consumers have never used the m-commerce. Specifically, 48% of consumers have never bought through your mobile device, according to a study just completed the Avangate firm specializing in e-commerce.

The limited success of m-commerce has an explanation: consumers are concerned about security and not rely so much on their smartphones as it could do in their traditional computers. According to the conclusions of Avangate, 40% of consumers do not shop via m-commerce because it does not want it is stored in your terminal sensitive or critical information, such as, for example, data associated with credit cards.

Fear of what might happen when buying on mobile affects, in fact, not only those who do not dare to close a purchase on the device but also among those who do. 22% of those making mobile payments make it even though they are not really sure they are completely reliable.

Users want comfort

What users expect and especially what they look for when buying online? The answer could be simply comfort. 90% of those surveyed by Avangate, for example, completely reject payments imposed do things on paper (such as checks).

In general, consumers are very receptive to all those things that make life easier. For example, 71% are willing to register for a monthly subscription of a product or service if payment reminders eliminate. Similarly, 60% of consumers have one or two modes of recurring payment when you buy online, which employs regularly.

Netizens also seek to feel they are paying for something that makes them different. 46% do not buy an online service if there is no associated option fremium and 25% value at the time of purchase that share will allow get extensions and additions.

“We are witnessing the digitization of products and services, what we call the ‘economy of new services’, and is no longer about payment transactions with consumers to truly monetize what is offered, but the ability to interactive, provide services and expand the relationship with the consumer since the discovery and test phases of additions and retention,”said Carl Theobald, Avangate CEO, as collected Mashable.

By ZsuNC

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