Using colors to get more conversions on your website
On many occasions I have addressed issues related to attracting traffic to your website but sometimes when we do not get the expected level of sales, the mistake of thinking…
Getting the basics of digital marketing right
The digital world can seem utterly befuddling to newcomers. Not only is it a new field, but it is constantly changing! However, digital marketing needn’t be overly confusing. The trick…
How to build a “Lifestyle” around a product: The case GoPro
Has anyone ever thought how some brands sell an indecent amount of products and others that sell similar products initially fail to put a hundredth part? Some say it is…
The main metrics to measure the effectiveness of your marketing plan
In the world of digital marketing, if you do not measure all the actions that are within your plan going marketing to be very limited and all you can do…
2.0 Benchmarking: What can you learn from your competitors online?
There are some entrepreneurs when they start a project, or marketing managers of established companies that believe they have the certainty to be looking at what makes competition is antagonistic…
Tips for ordering your professional life and be more effective
In certain sections of your life you can get to have your short term and long term professional strategy a sense of disorder. Some of these symptoms may be these:…
And So the Theme Continues . . Recent Software Failures
Patching software can be like attempting to repair a leaky dam: as soon as you fix one leak, another springs up out of nowhere and divides your attention further.
Practical guide to negotiate with success
Negotiation is a term we all know, we take many of our immersed decisions negotiators contexts both professionally and personally. We negotiate all the time, so it is good to…
How to develop a good remarketing campaign
Remarketing time is becoming a very important element for marketing managers of many websites, this is due to the effect it creates in users and of course, in the ROI…
The 10 pillars to support your entrepreneurial project
In any entrepreneurial project should be a roadmap stable in which support us in moments of weakness or doubt. These points should be conceptual in nature and can be adapted…